We've had a busy day today. Running errands, going to the library-thank goodness for the library, where else can someone go on a budget and get books about dogs, books about kids and books about things to do on a budget.
We came home and had lunch. Now usually it is our policy at the table for the kids 1.) to ask to be excused and then 2.) take their plate up to the sink so mom doesn't have to. It is my feeble attempt at teaching these kids some manners and responsibility. They forget all the time.
Grant got so wrapped up in his book (He is totally into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series), that he left everything on the table. I had my back turned when Lacey-the naughty dog, jumped up and knocked his entire plate off the table and ravioli and peas and carrots and beans went scattered, splattered all over the floor. And both dogs like a pack of ravenous wolves descended on the mess.
We have policies in place for the kids. We have policies in place for the dogs. Ideally, no dogs are allowed in the kitchen. Rosie knows this rule and obeys. Lacey takes the rule as more of a guideline and then ignores it. I panicked for a second. I need to teach these dogs rules. I am their master. Discipline is the only way to have control and order and a peaceful life. I need to stop these dogs and clean the mess up by myself.
But then I remembered that I hate to clean. So I let the dogs finish the job. I did the dishes and was at peace. "After all, Mom" Spencer my 6-year old genius boy reminded me. "They made the mess, they need to clean it up." It's amazing how wise my words sound reflected back in the midst of chaos. I just need a 6-year old and two fuzzy critters to remind me.
Ahhh- Spence. Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteI have a westie named tillie and a yellow lab sugar . I think grant may eat rosie's food one day