Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Smell of Truth

There has been a smell in my house. A bad smell. A foul smell. And I don't know where its coming from.

A lot of times when people have a smell in their house, its usually because there's something in the drain that may have gone bad. Maybe the garbage hasn't been taken out enough. Maybe even a dog brought a critter into the house as a little "Thank You, Master" present. That was not this smell.

This smell was definitely human. More specifically, this smell was old pee. Being a mother of three children, I have often smelled the smell of a forgotten, misplaced diaper. Sometimes under a bed or crib. Sometimes stashed in the far corner of a closet. Sometimes hidden in a toy box. Sometimes hidden behind the bedroom door for days. (Honestly who can say that they ever check behind a door? The last place anyone ever cleans, behind a door). I am an "old pee smell" expert and that was what the smell was.

I am also the mother of boys. I don't know why, but boys have a tendency to want to "mark." Is it their inner boy-wolves coming out to play? Is it a matter of distance, the whole 10 feet to the toilet? Or is it a matter of "Hey guys! Watch what I can do!"?

Nevertheless, I had to find the source of the smell. For if I could kill the host, I could stop it's spread. And it was spreading. Everytime I walked into my house, it would get worse. Up the stairs? Worse. In the boys' room? The mothership. While I couldn't tell if the smell was originating from the closet or the bookshelf, the source definitely came from the room of the small male children.

I knew I could spend all day trying to find the origin. I could tear apart their entire closet (which by the way I did about a month ago. Now it is jam-packed with toys that I swore that I threw away. I swear!) I could get one of the dogs to try and do the old bloodhound thing. Or I could just ask.

Now my kids have gotten pretty good at dancing around the truth. They know that if they blame someone else, someone else will get in trouble. That if they point enough fingers, mom will get so confused by all of the fingers that she will just give up and get on Facebook to unwind. (I almost typed "un-wine." Freudian slip.) They have learned how to lie and how to lie well.

So I knew I couldn't just ask, "Which one of you peed in the boys' room?" I wouldn't get a straight answer, and I would never be able to find the source in order to kill the host smell. I had to promise freedom from persecution. Anonymity. I was making deals with little devils, but I had to find out where that smell was coming from. So I came up with, "I'm sure that none of you peed in the boys' room, but if one of you did, where would I find that pee?"

Answer: "In the air conditioning vent, Mom!" (......Are you kidding me???) How the heck do you clean that up? I do have to say that I found it strange that the smell got worse everytime the air conditioner kicked in. And it has been hot lately. So the problem really had trickled over the entire house. Still working on figuring out how to clean this one.

I have been lied to. A lot lately. Or at least I think I have, but you just really never know. Thats the thing about lying and liars. If they are good at it, you never will know. And even if they are not good at it, you might not want to think that they are capable of doing that. Of lying to you. We can never really know the difference between what is the truth and what is just what someone wants you to think is the truth. Sucks really. As much as we would like to believe someone, to trust them, you never really can. But, to clean up a mess, maybe you don't need to trust them. Maybe you don't even need the truth. A lie will work too, as long as you can figure out where the smell is coming from and figure out the best way to clean it up.


  1. I cannot lie, this was a good piece of writing and makes all of us do some thinking. Great job! You are an excellent writer! No lie!!!

  2. Oh no! You poor thing! Old pee smell is the worst! I am soooo glad you have a good sense of humor!

  3. Icky! I hope you found a way to get at it. My three year old (now 7) once peed in his closet, although we think he was sleepwalking when he did it. Took me a few days to figure out it wasn't just the diaper pail in his room stinking. It was nasty to clean up. But, this you probably know! Good luck!
