The ability to read = Freedom. I just realized a few days ago, that I don't have to read the subtitles at movies any more for Grant and Spencer. They can read. Mia can sound stuff out, but not fast enough for a movie scene. Not yet anyway. So my kids do a lot of reading and asking questions.
We were driving around today and were waiting at a stop light on the corner of 70th and Vine right next to a church called The Bridge.
"What's that Mom? Why do they call it The Bridge? It doesn't look like a bridge, it looks like a building."
I'm sure with more thought, I could have explained that that is a place people can go to feel connected to God and Heaven, much like a bridge connects people to where they want to go. That would have been the smart answer, but remember I'm in marketing.
"Well, I think they called it that because some people don't like to go to Church," I emphasised this last line. (I've been trying to get them to go to Mass with me and it's like a battlefield. Bribes don't even work anymore.) "So, the Church people thought if they named it something different, maybe more people would come and get the benefits of going and hearing the message."
"The Bridge?" Grant said, thinking of other things The Bridge sounded like. "So do they think they're going to a bar?"
The apple does not fall far from the marketing tree. And of course that got my creative juices name a church after a nightclub: The Little Lambs Lounge? Galilean Grill? Trinity Pub? Heavenly Angels Honky Tonk? Disciples Discotheque? Saints and Saloons?
There probably already is a Garden of Eden, but I don't think that's probably a place to hear a good message. Or get an apple.